Monday, February 27, 2012


This picture was taken last week. In winters past I would only see my toes when it was time to bathe.
I have seen my toes frequently this winter. On this day it was warm enough that I wore flip flops to an evening appointment. While the calendar may say February it felt like spring.
Then it got cold, really cold. Strong winds made it even colder. I didn't post this picture because it seemed silly when it was so cold out. As of yesterday it is back to being very warm for February and my toes are again visible.
Some people (in this house & elsewhere) are really missing winter. Not me, the warmish days, the beautiful blue skies and the toes that are only cold when I walk outside in my bare feet make me smile.

1 comment:

  1. A big AMEN to this post! This is my kind of winter. So far it is our 5th warmest w the warmest being when I was a year old. Bike rides along the river and daffodils blooming in my garden are incredibly special b/c they are happening in winter.
