Saturday, February 27, 2010

As February Draws To An End...

it's snowing again.
The snow started on Thursday and is supposed to end on Wednesday.
This morning the February snowfall record was broken.
The previous record was 29.2 inches set in 1910.
As of this morning the record is 29.8.
I wonder what it will be by tomorrow night.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Wow What a Week

This was Monday February 15th.
We had the day off from school for President's Day.

We had Tuesday off because it just kept snowing.
We had a late start on Wednesday because it was still messy out there.

Thursday brought another late start because of the black ice.
Friday was a normal day and we were all thankful.

The weather warmed up over the weekend.
Today was the first day (in 2 weeks) there were no school closings or late starts for the news anchors to announce.
It rained much of the day melting alot of the snow.
We like being able to see the creek again.
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Monday, February 15, 2010

Snowing Again

It started this morning about 10am.
It may stop sometime in June.
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Our backyard has been a bevy of bird activity.
We've had the usual woodpeckers, nuthatches, juncos and of course bunches of cardinals.
Now we have many, many bluebirds.
They have been here for about a week.
They come in bunches to the feeder and sit in pairs in the trees.
CJ thinks they are the ones born at his friend Matt's house this summer.
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Is It Over?

The woods are very busy right now.
The birds and deer are up and about looking for food.
Does this mean the snow is done?
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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow Day

The snow has stopped for now.
We have gotten about 4 inches so far today.
Perhaps that will be all.
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Monday, February 8, 2010

Wild Winter Weather

This has been quite a winter so far.
We had snow falling from the sky everyday from December 27th thru January12th.
After that we had many mornings with frozen fog. I had never before heard of frozen fog. It is just what its name says, fog that freezes. The mornings were foggy and all surfaces were covered in a layer of frost.
The frozen fog is gone because it has started snowing again. It snowed Friday into Saturday and we are supposed to get 8 inches tomorrow into Wednesday. We are already above the season average for C-bus and it isn't even Valentine's Day!
The most amazing thing this winter hasn't been the snow and fog. The most amazing thing is that the sun has been out for 3 days and the sky has been blue!!!! The sunbathing has been a little chilly but gloriously exciting.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Fun in the Snow

Since it looked a little like Aspen around here we thought it was a good time for some X-Games.
CJ created the course with his ATV, Steve installed a few 'jumps' and I managed the trail repair.
Bonus points were given whenever CJ smoothed out the ruts in the street!

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Saturday, February 6, 2010

It's a Miracle

The sun peaked through the clouds earlier today and that was exciting.
A blue sky in Columbus in winter is amazing.
A blue sky in Columbus after a snowstore is a miracle.
Now excuse me I must go sunbathe!
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It's Still Winter!!!

The snow began around 10 am Friday.
It's now 8 am Saturday and it is still snowing!
These pictures were taken before dawn this morning. After we walked the dog we shoveled, again.
It's been a really wet, wet snow. The temps are going to drop and the winds are already picking up.
It's hard to tell how much we've gotten because its so wet but I think the 9-12 inch prediction was correct.
CJ is bummed that today is Saturday, snow days are much more fun when you get the day off from school.

Tucker enjoys the salty icicles on the truck.

Catching snowflakes on your tongue is fun even for dogs!

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Monday, February 1, 2010


While driving along 270 the other day
Steve remarked about all the potholes left from our many snows.
CJ wondered if a smaller pothole should be called a saucepanhole?
And if it was really shallow would it be a fryingpanhole?

Steve's Birthday

Steve was out of town for his birthday so we celebrated it a little late this year.
This was good for two reasons:
The birthday celebrating time was extended and
Instead of birthday cake Steve wanted Belly Busters from Hill's Market.

These are only available on the weekends so all was good with a late celebration

As per custom the birthday boy gets the first piece of cake.

We did discover one problem with a Belly Buster celebration - no leftovers for the next morning.

Our January birthdays are the 12th, 18th and 26th.
Happy Birthday TT.
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