On Saturday, while still full from pancakes, we encountered a wild swan at the front of the subdivision. As we were coming home, we noticed a big white bird laying on its back flapping its feet. Realizing that most feathered friends flap their wings not their feet, we knew something was wrong and stopped to help.
Steve was able to turn the swan over and get him to a sitting position. We found out from a someone else that three swans had been flying together. This one hit the overhead wires and crashed in the field.
After many phone calls it was decided that the swan needed to be brought to the hospital. The swan had other plans, he hissed and grunted and took on an aggressive posture. Not wanting to tangle with an angry swan we left him with the promise to check on him regularly.
Checking on him proved pretty easy. As we came to the subdivision entrance we would check the traffic, if it was slow we knew he would be there. And, he was there for a long time. Our last sighting was at 5:15, 5 hours after we first saw him. When we came back, with our pal the vet, at 8:30pm, he was gone. With no evidence that he became dinner for our neighborhood coyotes, we are hopeful that he recovered fully and has found his friends.
This is an amazing story. I wonder if anyone saw if he got away.