Sunday, November 1, 2009

Time for Trick or Treat!!

Mr. Spock is ready for Trick or Treating.

The fire is lit and the crew is gathered. It's a good night to stay close to the fire.

The first stash gathered completely without parental supervision.

The best treat - Mountain Dew
The worst treat - hand sanitizing wipes
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  1. This entry is a real treat for me. CJ is a great Spock. Can't believe anyone actually gave out wipes.

  2. It could have been mini Gideon Bibles! :D I thought we'd managed it through w/o a bucket full of sugary temptation taunting me all week; but the Carson's so "thoughtfully" brought one of their 4 remaining plastic pumpkins over to the boys right before 8pm. ::bangs head:: No, no, no!

    CJ made a perfect Spock!
