Sunday, January 17, 2010

Hockey in Columbus

Way back when, there was a group of friends who went to a 'couple' of hockey games.
They had the best seats in the house - way up high where the real fans were.
Tuesdays, Thursdays and the occasional Sunday were reserved for the Flyers.
This weekend they were back together.
It wasn't Tuesday or Thursday or even Sunday.
It wasn't way up high on the corner.
It wasn't the Flyers.
But, it was hockey and it was fun!!!

Steve, Christopher, Eric, Steve

And in reverse order still with Steve bookends.
Steve, Eric, Christopher and Steve

The Blue Jackets played a good game.
A couple of times it looked like Rick Nash would get a hat trick and Eric would have to sacrifice his beloved hat.
The good news was that Eric kept his hat, the bad news was that the Jackets lost.

CJ enjoyed the awesome seats. He said he would love to see another game, as long as we got these seats!
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1 comment:

  1. Great shot of the 4 buddies with the Arena sign as backround. Such long lasting friendship are so rare. It's as if they grew up in a small town. This brings back memories of bike race days.
