Thursday, June 24, 2010

What's that smell?

The smell would be the more than 50 of these buildings filled with more than 20,000 barrels each of bourbon. As we drove up the road we were wondering what these buildings were and the closer we got the less we wondered, the air was filled with the wonderful smell of bourbon.

We were able to take a look inside this building and see each of the barrels stacked inside. It takes at least four years for a barrel to fully age. After our tour we tasted two of the bourbons that are aged for 8 years, they were quite lovely. I have always enjoyed the smell of bourbon but never enjoyed a mixed bourbon drink. At the tasting I found that for me bourbon is much better on its own. To sip bourbon on a cool day (or in a frigid hotel room) is very peaceful.

After the bourbon is emptied from the barrels they are not used again for bourbon. They are sold and used for making scotch.

1 comment:

  1. I'm intrigued by the reuse of the barrels for Scotch.

    I keep forgetting to say I like the new font.

    We have a day off from heat & humidity-only going to 89. Yesterday's high was 97. An afternoon storm brought much needed rain to my garden but lots of damage especially in Delaware & Chester counties where wind was 75 mph.
