Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Hunt for the Perfect Tree

 December 17th is the latest we have ever gone Christmas tree hunting. But between the never ending rain and other commitments that was our first available weekend.
The weather was chilly with a bit of wet snow falling.
It was a bit weird to having to dodge the mud puddles while walking through the snow.

We walked up and down the rows while Tucker explored every inch of the farm.
Finally we had it narrowed down to two trees.

This one was deemed 'the perfect tree'.


Can you see the mud caked into the soles of CJ's boots?

Tucker had to have a 'tubbie' when we got home. He had mud packed in between his toes and pretty much every where else.

Steve worked on the lights and CJ placed the tree skirt.

Then we all hung the ornaments.

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