Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Bunny Ears

Each year as Easter approaches I feel the need to eat chocolate bunny ears. This year was no exception. Into CJ's lunch went a foil covered bunny minus the ears. That day I ate the ears. The next day CJ's lunch once again contained an earless chocolate bunny but this time I wrapped the ears in plastic wrap and saved them for after school. The look on CJ's face when I presented them to him was priceless. The following day I discovered a bunny with missing ears in our family Easter basket, only I didn't do it. CJ ate the ears and smirked about it, I love that kid!!!

Easter morning CJ discovered a new bunny and to his delight it had ears.

As he was eating the bunny ears, CJ said "Victory tastes like dark chocolate".

(Sally Forth didn't eat her daughter's bunny ears this year either, hmmmm...)

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