Monday, July 30, 2012

It Did Rain!

It was a good rain, even if there were some strong winds. This time we lost a couple of branches on a maple tree. The didn't come all the way off so we are hoping the pole saw is long enough to finish the job. The electricity stayed on and we were all thankful.

It seems crazy to plant in this hot weather, but plant I did. These azaleas were only $3. at Wal-Mart and I couldn't pass them up. The weather has been cooperating a little as we have had some more rain and highs only in the low-mid 90's.

The tomato plants are loving the weather. Soon I will have lots of canning to do and I am looking forward to it. Sadly there have been only two peppers, one on each plant.

Today is July 30th and I believe that I will cut the grass this week. It has been 7 weeks since it was last mowed.

1 comment:

  1. I think your azaleas will do well. Betty just put little plants in around her tree and they are very happy. I've only had 2 peppers but now the top of the plant is full of them. They should be pretty as they change color. I thought by now my cherry tomato would be heavy w fruit but all I get every few days are 5 ripe ones.
