Monday, February 15, 2010


Our backyard has been a bevy of bird activity.
We've had the usual woodpeckers, nuthatches, juncos and of course bunches of cardinals.
Now we have many, many bluebirds.
They have been here for about a week.
They come in bunches to the feeder and sit in pairs in the trees.
CJ thinks they are the ones born at his friend Matt's house this summer.
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  1. He(I guess) is just dear. Definitely more interesting than watching sea gulls. Somehow they seem out of place and time.

  2. We still have "our" b-birds over here; but they could be tiring of the Starlings and heading over your way for calmer feedings. :) (Brian thinks he's identified these obnoxious birds as Europian Starlings. They bully every other bird who tries to eat, and eat all the suet cake until it's gone!)

    Our poor blues. I stand at the kitchen window and scare the pig birds off whenever I'm doing dishes and they're doing their bully routine...
