Saturday, February 6, 2010

It's Still Winter!!!

The snow began around 10 am Friday.
It's now 8 am Saturday and it is still snowing!
These pictures were taken before dawn this morning. After we walked the dog we shoveled, again.
It's been a really wet, wet snow. The temps are going to drop and the winds are already picking up.
It's hard to tell how much we've gotten because its so wet but I think the 9-12 inch prediction was correct.
CJ is bummed that today is Saturday, snow days are much more fun when you get the day off from school.

Tucker enjoys the salty icicles on the truck.

Catching snowflakes on your tongue is fun even for dogs!

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1 comment:

  1. Great tree pic. Our snow started last evening at 7. Stayed up till 3 AM to keep storm doors clear. Wanted to sleep past 7 AM but correctly judged that kitchen storm door would be almost snowed in-less by front door because of NE wind. Have decided it's better to shovel the back door before it gets level with door because the snow is so heavy when trying to toss it to garden. 17" by 7 AM. Garden looks like undulating desert sand dunes. John Bolaris figures it will be the 3rd or 2nd heaviest storm-the 2nd being the December one... Glad this didn't happen last year when I was trying to mitigate the effects of surgery. SEPTA canceled all bus service in early AM. Will email you pics of my version of Galadriel, the girls skating & sledding and the new chair when the spirit moves me. There were people on sleds and ATVs having a great time on the Art Museum steps. I miss sledding...
