Monday, February 22, 2010

Wow What a Week

This was Monday February 15th.
We had the day off from school for President's Day.

We had Tuesday off because it just kept snowing.
We had a late start on Wednesday because it was still messy out there.

Thursday brought another late start because of the black ice.
Friday was a normal day and we were all thankful.

The weather warmed up over the weekend.
Today was the first day (in 2 weeks) there were no school closings or late starts for the news anchors to announce.
It rained much of the day melting alot of the snow.
We like being able to see the creek again.
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1 comment:

  1. This post is such a wonderful combinations of pics & words telling the story of the week which was. Thanks.
    Our gentle rain is bringing some of my garden back! I have missed it so. I can see parts of the lighthouse, weather vane,dragon, enchanted forest, cattails under the Cammelia, castle and Olgilvie & his cattails. Cleared parts are a hollowed out space under the Weeping Cedar making the Chinese village, Juniper, gargoyle & FooDog completely visible and the very back of the garden where the daffodils which came up in December seem to have grown taller. Tomorrow I'm going to try to make a path out to the large patio if I can find somewhere to throw the snow. That way I will be ready in case the Th/F event brings accumulating snow rather than just snow showers.
    Glad I got to the gym yesterday for the 1st time since the 4th-found a clear spot in front of D&S's & took the EL. Wasn't at all rusty-workout went quite well including walking lunges. Yoga brought me a huge surprise-legs just lept into position like they used to before the screwed leg AND they wanted to stay there meditatively just like before. Obviously all my work with snow/ice is body friendly.
