Saturday, July 17, 2010

Farmer Mary

As a product of parents who both like(d) to grow food in their gardens you would think that I would too. Turns out that I do, it just took a really long time to find out. This year a neighbor gave me a strawberry plant clipping from their garden and I purchased a tomato plant and a pepper plant. The strawberry plant was plopped unceremoniously into the ground and produced a couple of puny berries. Next year I will be a little more respectful and hopefully the plant will produce more. As for the tomato and pepper plants, they were put into pots and tended to a little more carefully. With our overabundance of rain earlier in the summer the pots were pulled up onto the porch in the hopes of not getting flooded. It seems to have worked because we have a couple of peppers growing and a bunch of tomatoes. One of the tomatoes is ripe and will be a part of my salad at lunch today. Yummy!!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful tomato. I'm jealous. My plant and ripening tomatoes look sick for the 3rd year in a row. Maybe I'll put one in a pot next year. At least the pepper plant and Thai Basil are healthy. In a non food category, except for the first blooming, the rose bushes and blooms are a disaster for the first time.
